Friday, April 11, 2008

As if my BD wasn't enough

So many things on my mind lately some pleasant and others dreadful
Ok to start with i celebrated my xyth birthday last week that is ofcourse dreadful.
No correction...dreadful is an understatement it was ..shocking yes that's the right word
Waking up one day to find myself xy.O dear that's an awful lot for someone who is still single.
I hate to imagine how my mother must feel.Luckily for me i am a continent away.
Anyway the pleasant thing was the presence of my friends.
Their support.
Yes that's what friends are for to stand by u in disasters as such.
Whether in Egypt or here i have to say i am blessed to have such marvellous friends.
I would go as far as to say that i had no time to reflect abt the mishap.
And as if this sad incident was not enough to destroy my mood, the next day there were the demonstrations in Egypt.
What happened last week started as pleasant.
Finally Egyptians decided to rise.Though finally is hardly a fair word.To our credit there have been demonstrations in the past but never on such a large scale.
This one was meant to be a huge and effective one.
But due to threats by our honourable government, many were scared and decided not to take part.
We cannot really blame them, they cannot afford to lose their jobs with the mouths they have to feed.They can bearly afford to do it working, so one can imagine their status if they were on the dole.
On the other hand we have the brave workers of Al Mahalla who revolted and stood up for their rights.
As expected they were beaten by the police forces, some were killed and many imprisoned.
This is what you get for deffending yourself, asking for your simplest rights in Egypt.
Again, so much for the democracy.
It is sad.
Not that it was ever pleasant to Egyptians but lately the government has crossed all its limits.
It's one thing after the other and their numbness is intolerable.
The present as it is is very dark and where we heading is not looking less gloomy.
Despite all that some argue the value of demonstrations.
Ok maybe nothing has changed, maybe prices are still high, maybe the bread crisis is still prevailing but we created some noise and that was healthy.
Maybe the world kept their eyes shut this time but next time they might react.
If not the next time then the next...
At least we learned to demand our rights and that unless we speak up it will remain stagnant.
We are passing the message to younger generations that cowards die cowards and achieve nothing...
And this is sufficient.