Friday, November 2, 2007


Today, i saw a mighty Heart, a movie starring Angelina Jolie.Didn't know the story before i took the decision to see this movie, i wish i did though...because i deffinetely would have decided to go home and watch something more meaningful.
It's about two american journalists Mariane starring Angelina Jolie and her husband Danny who were covering the war against terrorism in Afganistan, then went to Pakistan were the nice, friendly, peace loving, truth searching American jew got kidnapped by Muslims, fanatics.(Surprise surprise)
Anyway don't want to bore you with further details,this movie shows-for what seems like eternity-a very filthy and poor Pakistan (it might be the case i don't know never been there)and a pakistani intelligence, CIA etc...searching for Danny.
The kidnappers, the terrorists, the muslims, the fanatics who kidnapped the nice American fella captured him to put pressure on USA to release prisoners held in US prisons or at least treat them with dignety( Is this too much to ask ???)
The movie did not come as a shock to me, could figure out the direction right from the start.
The usual manipulation in order to twist the truths is not new to Hollywood.
So the message stands very clear.We bad them good..ok this we have been living with for quite some time...but i kept wondering who is the target customer(forgive my vocabulary i come from a marketing environment) for this movie?
Is it the americans?mmmmaybe...the rest of the world? Us?...i really don't know but doubtful!
Doubtful because or rather although Hollywood has great film industry and they are the masters, they make terrific movies meant only to send hidden messages...but this particular message was not conveyed to us ...sorry but we were not fooled this time!
The regular viewer would have sympathized with Danny and his preignant wife, sorry guys we did NOT.
We contributed sadly to your profit but you did not contribute to our minds.
We could not care less whether he would die, don't want to go as far as to say we wished for it.
I am not a fanatic non of us watching this movie was.But when the wife screamed when she knew about the loss of her husband it meant nothing to us.Sorry!
Then again how do you expect us to sympathize with you? Is an american life more precious to us than an Arab life?
He is a father to be.Oh yeah? at least he is not a kid shot on the street .
None of us forgets Mohamed El Dorra the innocent child who was shot with his father nor do we forget the corps of the Palistinian and Iraqi children whome we see daily on television.
Should we feel sorry for his wife?What about the mothers who lose their children, see them killed and captured before their own eyes..
Sorry Uncle Sam but i think you are asking for too much.
Soo sorry, sorry because we reached this stage...but you drove us there.
We are not fanatics, we love Seinfeld, David Schwimmer etc...
We are not ruthless, we cried when Patrick Swayze was shot in Ghost, when Leo was freezing in the sea...
but we cannot mourne an american hostage while zillions are tortured humilated by you at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.

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