Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To my fellow Egyptian Expats

Yes we might be of split opinion about what’s happening now in our home country.
Yes we might agree or disagree about whether we should continue rioting to obtain our long lost freedom or whether we should stop here and save our country further damage.
Yes we might be supporting Baradei, Ayman Nour or even Mubarak himself, but a very interesting fact has surfaced during the last week.
We all want to be in Egypt right now.
Be it because of concerns about your family/loved ones, the need to be there while history is being written, a sense of belonging to your country, a sudden feeling of “what am I doing here???”
Regardless of the reason, fact remains this feeling is overwhelming and unique. I've been talking to various nationalities who say that at times of turmoil in their countries they prefer to stay away. But not us!
We need to go back. Are we nuts, emotional, curious??? Possible but a certainty is that we are patriotic; we love our Egypt no matter how much we claim the opposite.
You don’t even know the extent of this love until moments as such.
Ofcourse, some of us will still prefer to be away and mind you they are not less patriotic,  it's mainly due to fear about their children and families.
 Yes I love my country and I am dying to go back.

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