Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Gabrielle in me

There are different sides in each person.And by sides i mean traits or rather inclinations.
There is an exterior and it should not necessarily comply with the interior.
Yes appearances are meant to be deceiving.
And there is nothing hyprocritical about it either..not always that is.
Every one wants to be perceived in one way or another and there is nothing really wrong about that because you have to pertain a certain image infront of people, but what goes inside is completely different at times.
Sometimes this cover up is very innocent.
This thought hit me while watching desperate housewives.There are five completely different women profiles here.Bree with the idealisem and coldness, Edie the slut, Suzan the hysterical, clumsy and naive one, Lynette the working mom tourne between family and career and last but not least Gabrielle.
Gabrielle is a hot controversial latina, loves her husband but cheats on him, gets whatever she wants regardless of the mean, funloving, smart.....i can go on for hours coz she is my favourite..
While watching it with a couple of friends one time the girls thought they were a Suzan, cute, clumsy etc... i came up with the shocking revelation or maybe confession that i am most likely to be a " Gabrielle"
And don't get me wrong here i don't mean the hot part and hopefully not the unfaithful part either. I just admire a woman who knows what she wants and grabs it, i admire survivors..I look up to women who are expressive, bold ...so what if a bit vulgar?
Apparantly I am not all that, and obviously i like to be all that it's deffinetely somewhere within me surfacing at times...So one thing i assure you appearances are really deceiving... i really look nothing like Gaby nor do i act like her, people 1st impression of me is nothing like who i really am, the Gabrielle in me is silent until called out.
You see, people do have extreme sides...and with that conclusion I rest my case!

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